
C-Man is a 23 year old, upcoming dj. He grew up in a musician-family and started making music himself at the age of 6.

When he got older, he was impressed by other dj's at the parties he went to. It was his dream to become a dj that played in front of a big crowed, so he started his own alter ego, C-Man.

He quickly gained his place on the local parties, but soon, C-man was dreaming about a world beyond the local parties.

He started producing his own music, and participated a lot of DJ-contests, which opened a lot of doors.

Things are growing strong. Dream big, play big...

✗ 2nd place MNM Start To DJ 2016

✗ Versuz

✗ Carré

✗ Sunrise Festival

✗ Ikon (Noxx)

✗ La Rocca




